The Caliber 90 Project is done and riding as of the fall of 2023. The bike rides well, and it quite comfortable. Below are a few pics of the details of the bike. Although not overly noticeable, most of the various holes have been filled with 12gauge, 9mm, or 22gauge shells keeping up with the “Caliber 90” theme.

Update 2020-11-06 – The Project Deepens
Update 2020-11-19 – Fork You – Lipstick on a pig?
Picked this old guy up for $100. He is rough, but rolls, dirty but turns over, and had that butt ugly seat on it when I first got it. Hoping it will possibly run once I get fire back to it.

I’ve already purchased a new proper seat pan and have removed the CB Honda seat. Engine is free and it has “some” compression. Plan on doing a wet compression test, checking points and getting fire and going from there.

Not sure if it will be a run as it is setup, clean it up, or full custom build yet.

As one can see, the rear fender is quite rusted out so it may end up as a custom bobber type build in the long run.
Related Links:
Great site for full run through of engine rebuild:
My fav “Postie” type build. This one will hopefully been quite similar: