Tower back in – Test fit, tacked and partially welded

Here’s the parts – Full shock tower and battery apron. Ended up buying them from MustangsPlus and have to admit I am quite happy. Quick ship, packed as well as can be expected and good enough quality.

Simple test fit of both to see how close things are. Actually everything fit rather well at this point. I was surprised.

Another quick fit view. With the rear apron solid it was rather easy to get started on alignment for the tower.

Tower with holes drilled for spot welds and engine/suspension mount in place. The tower was rather easy to get located by looking at previous measurements and checking the drivers side. The engine/suspension mount was more of a challenge.

I used an old upper arm mount and extra bolt to attach and align the engine/suspension mount to the tower. There is still some wobble room for precise alignment of the mount as needed until it is tightened down.

Tower tacked in, apron clamped down for final fit testing and alignment. I had to trim a bit off the lower rear of the apron to get a fit inside the tower but nothing major.

Drug a fender out of storage to test fit for mounting alignment. I used the punches to align holes and insure bolts would line up. The rear and front bolts line up and the others are within tolerance to bolt down. You can also see the opened up hole in front of the battery location here. The EFI mass air and cone filter will mount where the battery was with shielding to block off engine bay hot air. I opened this hole up more for fresh air into the filter area.

Final shot of welded up tower and apron and tacked in tower reinforcement parts. Likely not needed with a new tower but I had it for the drivers side so it needs to match.