Clean Up Time – Inside
Like all old cars that have been sitting around a while, this ’66 Galaxie was no exception and it was quite messy as it had also been used as a storage for not only the trim for itself but a lot of other junk from the salvage yard type of area where it was found. Austin spent a day cleaning up the mess and trying to get the interior at least “breathable” and spider free.

A full day of cleaning by him before he left with the rest of the family for a short vacation trip and the interior was much better. I followed up the next day and completed the vacuum and cleaning and was pleasantly surprised at the quality of the floors in the car.

Above you can see the worst looking area is the drivers side rear floor which is pretty much rusted up. There is only a small pin hole or two that are fully through however and I believe a patch panel can take care of that. Additionally the toe boards to front pan area is rusted up from the side vents leaking into the car and settling in that area but again something that can easily be patched with flat panels. Very pleasantly surprised at the overall condition of this area. My 69 Mustang had spent a lot of time inside but required full pans on both sides so this will be much easier.