Collecting Parts
The weather has turned colder so outside work is kind of on hold but we continue to collect parts for the old “Gal”.
Ad AddCo 816 1 1/8″ sway bar was recommended in the Galaxie forums and when I searched I found one for $99 instead of the normal $200+ everywhere else I searched so I went ahead and picked it up. We knew we needed to replace the tiny little bar on the car and we bent it a bit pulling the car on the trailer after buying it anyhow. Seemed to be worth the money in the long term.

We plan on using an accumulator setup I laid out for the 69 Mustang EFI but needed a low pressure pump to keep the accumulator full so the Walbro can pull fuel from. This low pressure should be enough flow to keep a 5.0 EFI car happy I think. We will see but it should work for our needs and has been used by others.

Since we now know the car obviously has a 1965 grille up front, we picked up this 1966 grille for $100 to have if we want to go back to the original design. Not a perfect grille but we are not looking for a perfect setup. It should clean up nicely and give the car the correct ’66 look if we want it.

The “500” emblems had been taken off the car and although we found them in the trunk, they both have been broken off so we picked up these for $20 on eBay to clean up and use instead.

Any electric fuel pump powered car SHOULD have an inertia switch in the fuel system loop and with this being a planned EFI setup it is no exception. This is the same switch design I used on the 69 Mustang and for under $10 shipped I wasn’t going to complete about it. Even has the pigtail included to save some connector work arounds.

Having pretty much determined we are using the existing spindles for the disc brake conversion and not knowing the detailed status of the front suspension, we went ahead and ordered all the front end parts that are needed to freshen up the suspension including Moog ball joints and bushings and Energy Suspension strut bushings.

Additionally some weather striping for the trunk and windows, a replacement headlight bright and brake switch, and some misc other items have been picked up along the way to have as needed for the car. Better to do a little at a time money wise and put them back for future installs.