Going Manual – Hydraulic Clutch Plans
Transmission choices on this build have kind of been up in the air as well as engine but having recently picked up a WC T5 5 Speed with a B&M shifter and apparently in good shape the decision to go manual is pretty solid now.

As part of the manual trans conversion I cleaned, prepped, and painted the pedal hanger, installed a clutch needle bearing kit, cut down the auto brake pedal, and started working up the DIY hydraulic clutch plans. Also setup a simple switch to use for safety start (clutch pressed in) and worked out the mounting for the clutch master cylinder including a backing plate to re-enforce the firewall areas.

Fortunately it’s already two layers thick but the bracket should help more. Once the hanger is installed and the final booster spacing setup I’ll work up the threading to the heim for the clutch and level the pedals out.

I really wasn’t sure if the automatic pedal could be made to work like the 69 Stang did but it worked out fine. Pedals are a little close together but should work well.